
Payment must be available in immediately available funds on the due date at the place where the draft or documents are payable,provided such due date is a banking day in that place.If the due date is anon—banking day,payment will be due on the first banking day following the due unless the credit states otherwise.Delays in the remittance of funds,such as grace days,the time it takes to remit funds,etc.,must not be in addition to the stated or agreed due date as defined by the draft or documents.


If partial shipments are prohibited,a tolerance of 5% less in invoice amount is acceptable,provided that the quantity is shipped in full and that any unit price,if stated in the credit,has not been reduced.If no quantity is stated in the credit,the invoice will be considered to cover the full quantity.


A. B/L
B. house B/L
C. master air waybill
D. cargo receipt


A. 处方用药与临床诊断是否相符
B. 含有毒剧药的中成药剂量与用法
C. 是否有重复给药现象
D. 是否有潜在的具临床意义的药物相互作用
E. 所配药品是否与处方一致

商业发票(Commercial Invoice),简称发票,其作用有()。

A. 卖方向买方发货凭证,是卖方重要的履约证明条件
B. 是进出口双方凭以收付货款和记账的重要凭证
C. 是进出口双方办理报关、纳税的重要依据
D. 作为索赔和理赔的重要凭证
