A. 650~750°
B. 850~950°
C. 750~850°
D. 950~1100°
In which scenario will you issue the following command?() SQL> RECOVER DATABASE UNTIL TIME ’2005-10-04 : 12:09:08’ USING BACKUP CONTROLFILE;
A. when all the control files are missing and only a binary backup of the current control file exists
B. when a multiplexed copy of the current control file is missing
C. when all the control files are missing and only a script containing the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement exists
D. when the SPFILE is missing
A. 高强度石膏
B. 无熟料水泥
C. 建筑石膏
A. 温度升高
B. 温度降低
C. 压力升高
D. 压力降低