System configurations on the HMC have been backed up correctly. After a restore, the partitions are defined with different characteristics than the running systems. What is the most probable cause of this problem?()
A. The LPAR Configuration backup is corrupt
B. The LPAR Configuration has been altered using DLPAR
C. The LPAR Configuration backup was performed on a different HMC
D. The LPAR Configuration has been altered through the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI) on the server after the backup was performed
A. 大于
B. 等于
C. 小于
D. 大于等于
某从事会计教学的王老师在2008年度月工资为2100元,同年7月份校外讲课取得报酬3000元,在教学之外,王老师还在一家公司兼职担任会计工作,月工资1000元。 根据以上资料回答下列问题:(备注:现在工资扣除标准为2000元)兼职收入应缴纳个人所得税()元。
A. 10
B. 40
C. 75
D. 105
18世纪初,英国出现这样一种现象:从国王方面讲,他发现必须接受议会多数派的统治地位,否则“国王陛下的政府”便会麻烦不断。为此,他必须任命议会多数派领袖出任政府首脑。这表明在当时的英国()。 ①国王依旧保留了某些权力 ②国王加对内阁的控制加强 ③任内阁制已经初步形成 ④近代政党制自此确立
A. ①②
B. ①③
C. ①④
D. ②④