
YouareintheprocessofcreatingavirtualprivatecataloginyourOracleDatabase11gdatabase.ThePROD1,PROD2,andPROD3OracleDatabase10gdatabasesareregisteredinthebaserecoverycatalog.ThedatabaseuserwhoownsthebaserecoverycatalogisCATOWNER.CATOWNERexecutesthefollowingcommandtograntprivilegestoanewuserVPC1usingOracleDatabase11gRMANexecutables: Whatistheoutcomeoftheabovecommands?()

A. Theyexecuteandcreateavirtualcatalogforpre-Oracle11gclients.
B. TheyproduceanerrorbecausePROD1andPROD2databasesbelongtotheolderversion.
C. TheyproduceanerrorbecauseyouneedtoconnectasCATOWNERtoexecutethispackagedprocedure.
D. Theyproduceanerrorbecauseyouneedtoconnecttothetargetdatabasetoexecutethispackagedprocedure.


A 1500 page print job was sent to the "pel" queue. The job was running for several minutes before it was determined that the job was not needed. Which of the following options will delete the job() Ipstat Queue Dev Status Job Files User PP % Hks Cp Rnk pd pel RUNNING 201 STDIN.27648 root 750 10 1000 1 1

A. kill 201
B. cancel 201
C. disable pel
D. Ip-d/var/spool/lpd/STDI
E. 27648

After rebooting the machine, Companycom notices that the machine is not performing as well as before. The applications are running slower, and their CPU utilization has increased. How can the customer check to see if a CPU was deallocated?()

A. Run the vmstat command
B. Run the iostat command
C. Run the lparstat command
D. Check the logs in the /var/adm/ras directory

To examine the Exhibit, press the Exhibit button. Using the "ps -el" output as shown in the exhibit, which of the following conclusions is most appropriate to draw?()

A. The snmpd process is running at a fixed priority of 60
B. If both the syncd process and the portmap process become available to be run at the same time, then the syncd process would get scheduled first
C. If both the userprog process and the qdaemon process become available to be run at the same time, then the qdaemon process would get scheduled first
D. If both the syslogd process and the llbd process become available to be run at the same time, then the llbd process would get scheduled first


A. Thelogicalvolumeiscreatedfirst.
B. Thephysicalvolumewillbeautomaticallycreated.
C. Thephysicalpartitionmustbespecifiedasanoption.
D. Thefilesystemwillbemountedduringthetimeofcreation.
