男孩,10岁,眼睑水肿、尿少3 d,伴有血尿。 血压16.8/13.3 kPa(130/100 mmHg),尿蛋白(),红细胞满布视野,细胞管型2~3/HP。下列哪项检查对诊断最有意义
A. 血钾、血钠
B. 肾脏“B超”
C. 肾图检查
D. 血补体CH50、C3、C4
E. 尿细菌培养
正常新鲜尿液离心后沉渣镜检,红细胞<()个/HP,白细胞<()个/HP,偶见()管型。12 h尿细胞计数:红细胞<()万,白细胞<()万,管型<()个为正常。
Which of the following practice is NOT helpful to ones sleep?
A. Making the lightings comfortable to you.
B. Keeping the computer in the bedroom.
C. Making sure you are not paying bills in bed.
D. Having caffeine before lunch.