
After a store had sold k television sets for p dollars each, it reduced the price p of each set by 5 percent and then sold twice as many sets at this reduced price.
Column A Column B
The total revenue from the sale of
all of these television sets 2.95pk

A. if the quantity in Column A is greater
B. if the quantity in Column B is greater
C. if the two quantity are equal
D. if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given


A.She has a bad working habit.B.She wakes up early.C.She always goes to bed too late.D.

A. She has a bad working habit.
B. She wakes up early.
C. She always goes to bed too late.
D. She's an excellent worker.

题38~40:某钢筋混凝土梁截面尺寸200mm×500mm,如图3-11所示。梁端支撑压力设计值N1=60kN,局部受压面积内上部轴向力设计值No=160kN。墙的截面尺寸为1200mm×240mm (梁端位于墙长中部),采用MU10烧结普通砖,M7.5混合砂浆砌筑。

A. 24000
B. 32000
C. 34400
D. 38000

The complain against media in the reporting of criminal cases is that

A. the way that information is presented to the public can influence opinions and outcomes.
B. catering to profit-driven sensationalism leads to further inaccuracies.
C. such information is necessary for proper decision-making by public leaders.
D. far-fetched exaggerations violate the privacy of those being reported on.


A. 工字钢板桩围护结构
B. 钢板桩围护结构
C. 钻孔灌注桩围护结构
D. 深层搅拌桩挡土结构
