


①假设在Cisco IOS系统中,创建一个名字为v2的虚拟局域网的配置命令如下,请给出空白处的配置内容:
sitch-PHY-3548# 【7】 (进入VLAN配置模式)
switch-PHY-3548(vlan)# 【8】 (创建v2并命名)
switch-PHY-3548(vlan)# 【9】 (退出并返回到特权用户模式)
②将Switch l的端1216划入v2的配置命令如下,请给出空白处的配置内容:
switchl-PHY-3548(config)#interface fastEthernet0/6(进入端口6配置模式)
sitchl-PHY - 3548(config-if)-#switchport 【10】
3。国际标准化组织制定的0SI网络管理协议是 【11】,另外,ISO还定义了5个管理功能域,【12】 属于性能管理域。IAB制定的网络管理协议是SNMP,在SNMP管理框架中使用的管理信息库为【13】 。管理站(manager)通过GetRequest命令查询代理(agent)中的管理信息库,如果代理需要向管理站报告一个异常事件,则代理出 【14】 报文。 【15】 事件不属于异常事件发生。


As gas is getting more and more expensive, many people are ________public
[A]looking for
[B]setting up
[C] turning to
[D]changing into

John got caught by the police _________at 160 km an hour.
[A] to drive
[C] to be driving
[D] drove

Raccoon is an American Indian name for a small, tree-climbing animal. Raccoons are mainly active at night. They are restless, known for their " bandit ' s masks(强盗面孔) " , ringed tails, and curiosity. A regular visitor to lakes and rivers. the raccoon lives on fish as well as nuts, fruits, and eggs. One interesting thing about this animal is that he always washes his meal. He does so because of the habit of feeling his food for texture (软硬) and size, for the skillful and quick animals sharp of touch heightens when his fingers are wet.
In northern areas, the raccoon ' s activity drops off considerably during the winter, but he does not actually totally rest.
The raccoon family is usually made up of a mother and her young. After mom bears babies, she becomes teacher, protector, and provider of food. At first she nurses her babies; later she goes in search of solid food to bring back to her young.
Raccoons are born in the spnng and are fed with mother' s milk until late summer. Mother shows her children how to climb a tree quickly to escape enemies, how to swim, and how to catch mice and other small animals.
Raccoons are famous for their night-time search in trash cans(垃圾桶). They can find a home almost anywhere.
68. One special thing about the raccoon is that ________.
[ A]it can climb trees
[ B]it is active at night
[ C ] it washes the food it eats
[ D ] it has a sharp sense of smell
