根据本题要点(6) 提示的内容,指出甲公司本次非公开发行股票的发行价格是否符合有关规定?并说明理由。张某认购的股份自发行结束之日起1年内不得转让是否符合有关规定?并说明理由。甲公司现任董事会秘书李某曾于2008年3月被深圳证券交易所公开谴责是否构成本次非公开发行的实质性障碍?并说明理由。甲公司2008年度的财务会计报告被注册会计师出具了保留意见的审计报告是否构成本次非公开发行的实质性障碍?并说明理由。
听力原文:Sugar is found naturally in foods such as fruit. Sugar is also added to many processed foods and drinks. Now an international report warns people to limit the sugar they eat.
Why does the author speak of giant pants?
Cutting budget for science research and development further smothers incentives for American students to ______.
Previously, young generations were ______ to make sacrifices.