Traveling solo—A blessing overall!You are ready to travel. But You haven’t traveled much and have many problems to deal with. ______of your friends or families ______that dream. You could ________though it is a difficult decision. I traveled solo to China and after that to several other countries. My friends, acquaintances, co-workers and the natives from the countries I visited consider it _______, ______________, _________ and __________.My solo travel has been sometimes a _______, sometimes a _____. Not-so-pleasant experiences in Indonesia, Japan, Italy, China have shown that traveling solo could also put me _______. Having a companion might have _________ me _____ some dangers, but it would have made me lose the opportunities to enjoy the trip, eat ___________, be ______ by strangers, meet _______in the trip.But you have to be careful not to endanger yourself by throwing _______to the wind. _______________, close your eyes and leap in! Everything that happens to you will ________you in some way. Don’t ever let a lack of companionship _________you from doing traveling solo because traveling solo is a blessing overall.
一实习生在幼儿园实习活动中,上网查阅收集资料,并从书店买来几本有关幼儿园教育活动设计案例的书籍,经过认真挑选从中找到一个《扶老公公走路》的小班韵律活动,不加任何修改就将其直接运用与本班。活动实施后,她发现自己班上的幼儿活动时很被动,手足无措且毫无兴趣。孩子的表现,说明这一实习生在教育活动设计过程中没有体现( )的特点。
A. 技术性
B. 创造性
C. 广泛性
A. 对
B. 错