

A. 隐喻蒙太奇
B. 对比蒙太奇
C. 积累蒙太奇
D. 重复蒙太奇


In this course, American constitutional history, I hunted far enough to suspect that the Fathers of the Republic who wrote our sacred Constitution of the United States not only did not, but did not want to, establish a democratic government…In all my other courses, in ancient, in European, and in modern history, the disagreeing authorities carried me back to the need of a fresh search for the original documents or other clinching evidence.

在浮点数加减法运算中,尾数求和之后,一般首先要执行的操作是( )。

A. 舍入处理
B. 规格化
C. 对阶
D. 修改阶码

运算器中通用寄存器的长度一般取( )。

A. 8位
B. 16位
C. 32位
D. 计算机字长

定点数作补码运算时,其符号位是( )。

A. 与数位分开进行运算
B. 与数位一起参与运算
C. 符号位单独作加减运算
D. 两数符号位作异或运算
