汉字背后也有有趣的故事,比如,马虎。古代有一位画家,随手画出一只既像马又像虎的怪物。There is an interesting story laying behind _____ like other languages, such as ma hu. A painter drew an animal which ____ a house and a tiger.
他对大儿子说,这是虎。大儿子出去玩,看到一匹马,认为是一只虎。于是用弓箭将马射死了。He told his first son that it was a tiger. The older son ______ a house as a tiger and killed it.
他对小儿子说,这是马。画家的小儿子看到一只虎在打盹,以为是马,就要跳上去骑。He told his second son it was a horse. The younger boy ____ a tiger as a horse and try to ____ on it.
就这样,画家两句不经意的回答,让两个儿子,一个被马主人追赶讨债,一个差点被老虎吃掉。从此,马虎流传了下来,用来形容办事不认真。Therefore, his first son owed a horse to its master and his second son came ____ death. From then on, ma hu has _____ careless.