
Which of the following marketing communications tools is most influential at the reordering stage of buyer readiness?

A. events and experiences
B. publicity
C. direct marketing
D. sales promotion
E. interactive marketing


Which of the following is the correct order of stages that a buyer is assumed to pass through, by the four classic response hierarchy models?

A. cognitive stage — affective stage — behavioral stage
B. affective stage — cognitive stage — behavioral stage
C. behavioral stage — affective stage — cognitive stage
D. cognitive stage — behavioral stage — affective stage
E. affective stage — behavioral stage — cognitive stage

Which of the following steps in the innovation-adoption model of marketing communications corresponds to the cognitive stage that a buyer passes through?

A. interest
B. evaluation
C. trial
D. awareness
E. adoption

According to the hierarchy-of-effects model, which of the following corresponds to the affective stage that a buyer passes through?

A. attention
B. exposure
C. reception
D. adoption
E. conviction


A. 城市土壤压实
B. 土壤水库功能失效
C. 地表封闭显著增加地表径流,加剧洪涝灾害
D. 土壤杂质含量较小,有机质含量较多
