
By the mid-70s, however, Today had got to the point where, for example, it had on one morning Libby Purves making the first "live" radio broadcast from China, someone else in Dublin covering the pope's visit, another presenter in Margate where the Liberals were conferring, and an anchorman in London.
When you have reached this stage, there is no room for talking dogs, and humor and whims have to be confined to odd corners.
Despite its more serious approach, however, Today has somehow retained its character and its tone of voice. And being a live, high-risk program, it can still go horribly wrong. Only recently an eminent doctor launched into a lengthy on-air harangue against the production team and refused to listen to the questions he was supposed to be answering. Such things can always happen and so can studio rows, sometimes even involving the presenters. There was a memorable spat not long ago when a rattled Nigel Lawson accused Redhead of being a well-known supporter of the Labor Party.
But rows or no rows, Today is where the ministers and would-be ministers want to be heard. As Brian Redhead is fond of saying: "If you want to plant a word in the nation's ear, come on Today." His other favorite remark is: "We set the agenda for the day." Both statements are true of a program with a steady weekly audience of 6 million easily the largest on Radio 4.
Before the 1970s, the Today program used to be quite a______.

A. serious program'
B. humorous program
C. religious program
D. political program


Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文: November is poppy month, the time of the year when we wear a red poppy in memory of those who sacrificed their lives for us during wars. But how many of us are aware of the reason of how and why the poppy became the symbol of remembrance and an integral part of the work of the Royal British Legion? Flanders is the name of the whole western part of Belgium. It saw some of the most concentrated and bloodiest fighting of the First World War. Where once there were homes and farms there was now a sea of mud--a grave for the dead where men still lived and fought. Only one other living thing survived. The poppy flowering each year with the coming of the warm weather, brought life, hope, colour and reassurance to those still fighting. John McCrae, a doctor serving with the Canadian Armed Forces, was so deeply moved by what he saw in northern France that, in 1915 in his pocket book, he scribbled down the poem "In Flanders Fields". The poppy became a popular symbol for soldiers who died in battle. In 1918, Moira Michael, an American, wrote a poem in reply, "We shall keep the faith", in which she promised to wear a poppy "in honour of our dead". This began the tradition of wearing a poppy in remembrance.
What does the word poppy in this passage refer to?

A. The First World War.
B. The name of a flower.
C. The name of a soldier.
D. The name of a city.

All 【C9】______ well, the deal can be and often is completed in less than five minutes, with 【C10】______ any chat and to everyone's satisfaction.
Now how does a woman 【C11】______ buying clothes? In almost every respect she does so in the 【C12】______ way. Her shopping list is not often based on need. She has never fully made up her mind what she wants. She is always 【C13】______ to persuasion; indeed she sets great store by what the saleswoman tells her,【C14】______ by what companions tell her. Uppermost in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks 【C15】______ her. Contrary to a lot of jokes, most women have an excellent 【C16】______ of value when they buy clothes. They are always on the【C1C7】______ for the unexpected bargain. Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour 【C18】______ from one rail to another, to and fro, often retracing her steps, before 【C19】______ the dresses she wants to try on. It is a laborious process, but apparently an【C20】______ one.

A. that
B. as
C. what
D. which


A. 对国家环境质量标准中未作规定的项目,制定地方环境质量标准
B. 对国家污染物排放标准中未作规定的项目,制定地方污染物排放标准;对国家污染物排放标准中已作规定的项目,制定严于国家污染物排放标准的地方污染物排放标准
C. 定期发布环境状况公报
D. 会同有关部门对管辖范围内的环境状况进行调查和评价,拟订环境保护规划


A. 2007年2月1日《中华人民共和国车船税暂行条例实施细则》第14条第1款规定:“在一个纳税年度内,已完税的车船被盗抢、报废、灭失的,纳税人可以凭有关管理机关出具的证明和完税证明,向纳税所在地的主管地方税务机关申请退还自被盗抢、报废、灭失月份起至该纳税年度终了期间的税款。”这一规范属于授权性规则
B. 2007年1月31日《药品流通监督管理办法》第14条规定:“药品生产、经营企业不得为他人以本企业的名义经营药品提供场所,或者资质证明文件,或者票据等便利条件。”这一规范属于命令性规则
C. 2007年2月2日《中华人民共和国海关进口货物直接退运管理办法》第10条规定:“本办法未明确规定的进口货物直接退运程序,依照《中华人民共和国海关实施<中华人民共和国行政许可法>办法》的有关规定办理。”这一规范属于委任性规则
D. 2007年1月30日《上市公司信息披露管理办法》第32条规定:“上市公司披露重大事件后,已披露的重大事件出现可能对上市公司证券及其衍生品种交易价格产生较大影响的进展或者变化的,应当及时披露进展或者变化情况、可能产生的影响。”这一规范属于强行性规则
