
Topic sentence: An individual deals with anxiety in a variety ways and produces a wide range of responses.

Anxiety may manifest itself by such physical symptoms as increased heart activity or labored breathing.
B. Fear, unlike anxiety, is a response to real or threatened danger.
C. Psychologically, anxiety often produces a feeling of powerlessness, or lack of direct control over the immediate environment .
D. Temporary blindness, deafness, or the loss of the sensation of touch are examples of extreme physical responses to anxiety.
E. Some people cannot cope with anxiety and are unable to control the neurotic behavior associated with anxiety.


Topic sentence: An individual’s status or importance within a group affects his behavior in that particular group.

A. High-status individuals frequently arrive late at a social function.
B. Once a person achieves high status, he or she attempts to maintain it.
C. High-status individuals demand more privileges .
D. Low-status individuals are less resistant to change within the group structure than persons of high status.
E. There are always fewer high-status members that low-status members in any particular group.

Topic sentence: The amount of alcohol a person consumes has been found to depend on a number of socioeconomic factors such as age, sex, ethnic background and occupation.

A. Some religions prohibit consumption altogether, and most encourage moderation.
B. People in a lower socioeconomic level drink more than people in a higher socioeconomic level.
C. In some cultures drinking is common at meals, but these same cultures disapprove of drunkenness .
D. Farm owners have the highest proportion of nondrinkers, while professionals and businessmen have the highest proportion of drinkers.

自理行李的重量限制是( )千克。

A. 10
B. 20
C. 30
D. 40

以下属于危险品的是( )

A. 书籍
B. 冻羊肉
C. 硫酸
D. 服装
