A pen is to a writer __________ a gun is to a fighter.
A. . as
B. . what
C. . that
D. . like
________, Malcolm X would not have been able to join the world community of thoughts and actions.
A. . If he didn’t study English very hard through self-learning
B. . Were he to study English very hard through self-learning
C. . Had he didn’t study English very hard through self-learning
D. . Hadn’t he studied English very hard through self-learning
18.有关食品安全的正确表述是( )
A. 经过灭菌,食品中不含有任何细菌
B. 食品无毒、无害,符合应当有的营养要求,对人体健康不造成任何急性、亚急性或者慢性危害
C. 含有食品添加剂的食品一定是不安全的
D. 食品即使超过了保质期,但外观、口感正常仍是安全的
A. 3个月
B. 6个月,没有明确保质期的不少于24个月
C. 12个月
D. 18个月
20.因食品安全犯罪被判处有期徒刑以上刑罚的人员,( )不得从事食品生产经营管理工作,也不得担任食品生产经营企业食品安全管理人员.
A. 5年内
B. 10年内
C. 20年内
D. 终身