
兰州拟建一住宅,檐口高度为12m,设计屋面为无组织排水时,其散水的最小宽度易为( )

A. 1250mm
B. 1500mm
C. 1750mm
D. 2000mm


散水是沿建筑物外墙设置的向外倾斜的坡面,在其上宜每隔6~10米设置一条缝隙,此缝隙为( )

A. 伸缩缝
B. 沉降缝
C. 防震缝
D. 变形缝

为防止雨水上溅污染外墙墙身,应采取的构造措施称为( )

A. 散水
B. 踢脚
C. 勒脚
D. 墙裙

对于有抗震要求的建筑,其墙身水平防潮层不宜采用( )。

A. 防水砂浆
B. 细石混凝土(配3φ6)
C. 沥青油毡
D. 防水砂浆砌砖

Replace the underlined word in each of the following sentences with a word with similar meaning given below. Change the form if necessary.1.Smoking can severelyharmyour health. ___________.2.It’s impossible to predict what willhappen next. _______.3.I want to see morechancesfor young people.________.4.We all regard it awonderfulidea. ___________5.I also bought someinformalclothes for the weekend. ________
