The sentence"Our American village is not in very good shape" means the physical conditions of America is not very well.
The speaker begins his speech by congratulating the students because their successful entry into the university has been achieved in spite of the mess the country is in. Thus, he sets the tone of his speech: praise the society in general, and its education in particular.
A. 对
B. 错
植筋施工打孔时,孔径保证每侧钢筋间隙大于( )mm。
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 5
施工完毕后,抽样进行拉拔试验,检验拔力为每根钢筋强度设计值的( ).
A. 50%
B. 75%
C. 80%
D. 100%
HPB235 级钢筋末端应作 180°弯钩,其弯弧内直径不应小于钢筋直径的 ( )倍,弯钩的弯后平直部分长度不应小于钢筋直径的( ) 倍
A. 2.5 , 5
B. 2.5 , 3
C. 5, 5
D. 5 , 3