Choose the best answer to the questions.1 Why did Frank Thomas decide to study literary theory?A. Because it was necessary for his chosen career.B. Because he thought it would help him understand what life was about.C. Because he was attracted by the image it had.D. Because it was an easy option.2 What part of his course interested him most?A. Postmodernism.B. Legal studies.C. Post-colonial literature.D. Nothing, he was bored all the time.3 What does Frank not say about “postmodernism”?A. It’s difficult to say what it is.B. You can use it to describe lots of things.C. The word has been used for more than 50 years.D. Only young people are interested in it.4 What does he think about his own generation?A. They protest about the wrong things.B. They have more opportunities than the previous generation.C. They spend too much time going to concerts.D. They don’t have any respect for their parents.5 What does he think about his parents’ generation?A. They protested about the wrong things.B. They don’t want to change anything in the world.C. They have forgotten what it was like to be young.D. They spend too much time telling their children about what they did.6 Where, according to Frank, do today’s students direct their energy?A. In peaceful protests.B. In the courses they are doing.C. In communicating with other people on the Internet.D. In free time activities on campus.