The main reason why two major airlines went bankrupt recently was that
A. the recession had reduced the overall number of air passengers.
B. the companies failed to attract an adequate number of passengers.
C. competitions from other airliners took away all their trade.
D. they introduced cheap flights for all categories of passengers.
A. gravity
B. weight
C. attraction
D. power
A. 生物计算机的功能超过了数字电子计算机,是一次革命性变化。
B. 生物计算机的出现将改变计算机的理论,是一次革命性变化。
C. 生物计算机一旦研制成功,将在计算机理论和研制上取得突破性进展。
D. 生物计算机一旦研制成功,将是半导体集成电路计算机后计算机的一次飞跃。
运用平均发展速度法进行估价的条件是,房地产价格的变动过程是持续上升或下降的,且各期上升或下降的幅度大致接近。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误