
China is a multi-religion country. There are indigenous Taoist religion and religions of foreign origin such as,,, and Christianity.


What do people do in different cultures?1.In India,...a.kiss each other on the cheeks2.In America,...b.put their hands together and bow slightly3.In Japan,...c.hug each other4.In New Zealand,...d. join the palms together and smile.5.In South America,... it is usual to e. bow from the waist and lower the eyes6.In Thailand,...f. shake hands and smile7.In The Middle East,...g.greet each other by touching nose8.In France,...h.press the cheeks one by one against the others'

调节家庭内部成员以及家庭生活密切相关的人际关系行为的道德规范称为( )。

A. 家庭美德
B. 个人品德
C. 社会公德
D. 职业道德

中华传统美德概括起来主要有( )。

A. 注重整体利益,推崇"仁爱"原则
B. 讲求谦敬礼让,强调克骄防矜
C. 倡导言行一致,强调恪守诚信
D. 追求精神境界,重视道德需要

下列对集体主义原则主张集体利益高于个人利益的正确理解是( )。

A. 要求把国家、民族和集体的利益放在首位
B. 提倡个人利益与集体利益发生冲突时,个人利益要服从集体利益
C. 个人不论在什么情况下要无条件地牺牲个人利益
D. 提倡个人利益与集体利益发生冲突的必要时,个人为集体利益放弃个人利益或献身
