验资业务是注册会计师根据《公司法》及《公司登记管理条例》等法律、法规的规定所执行的一种特定审计业务。确切地说,属于审计业务中的“法律、行政法规规定的其他审计业务”。 ()
Tile hardware are the parts of computer itself including the(71)(CPU)and related microchips and micro -circuitry, keyboards, monitors, case and(72)(including floppy, hard, CD, DVD, optical, tape, etc...). Other extra parts called(73)or devices include mouse, printers,(74), scanners, digital cameras and cards(sound, colour, video)etc... Together they are often referred to as a(75)or PCs.
A. Central Processing Unit
B. Center Process Unit
Central Processing Unix
D. Counting Process Unit
A. 应用PEEP可使萎陷的小气道开放
B. 为防止肺泡过度充气,予以小潮气量
C. 不允许出现PCO2潴留和呼吸性酸中毒
D. PEEP宜从低水平开始,逐渐加至合适水平
E. 应采用肺保护性通气措施
A. 50%
B. 70%
C. 90%
D. 100%
A. 数据结构化
B. 数据独立性强
C. 数据共享性高
D. 数据面向应用程序