but the government had no wish to become involving , at7. __________
least not until wartime when wheat prices threatened to run wild.Anxious to check inflation and rising life costs, the federal8. __________
governmentappointed a board of grain supervisors to deal with deliveriesfrom the crops of 1917 and 1918. Grain Exchange trading was suspended,and farmers sold at prices fixed by the board. To handle with the 9. __________
crop of 1919, the government appointed the first Canadian WheatBoard, with total authority to buy, sell and set prices.10. _________
A. 龈缘附近牙面有明显的菌斑、牙石堆积
B. 可探及龈下结石
C. 龈沟加深或龈袋形成
D. 龈沟探诊出血
E. 游离龈及龈乳头发红,龈缘变厚