In stating “the teacher began to give me human dimensions, though not perfect ones for an eighth-grader” (paragraph 6), the imperfection that Wilkins refers to is his
A.different race.
B.inadequate answers.
C.becoming a teacher’s pet.
D.coming from another state.
We can conclude that Dorothy Bean threw an eraser at the author because she
A.knew the event would become an icebreaker for him.
B.wanted to knock the pencil from his hand.
C.wanted to ask his opinion about something.
D.wanted him to pay attention in class.
A. 习惯
B. 国家
C. 法律
D. 道德
A. 法是调整人们行为的特殊社会规范
B. 法是社会中各政党意志的体现
C. 法通过规定人们的权利义务调整社会关系
D. 法由国家强制力保证实施
A. 犯罪对象
B. 犯罪的客观方面
C. 犯罪主体
D. 犯罪的主观方面