A. 首先处理危及生命的损伤
B. 脱出的肠管应及时还纳
C. 置病人于恰当的体位
D. 及时包扎损伤部位
E. 对腹腔内脏破裂出血者应在抗休克同时手术止血
A. 腹痛进行性加重
B. 血压明显下降
C. 全腹胀、肠鸣音消失
D. X线检查示膈下游离气体
E. 腹部透视发现胃扩张
Fill the gaps with the following words and phrases bellow.concept; in terms of; precise; anyway; initiative; cut off; in the form of; brief; grasp; convey; in two minds; tendIt'll only be a____visit because we recently haven't much time.
concept; in terms of; precise; anyway; initiative; cut off; in the form of; brief;grasp; convey; in two minds; tendThe job is great ____advancement but the starting salary is rather low.