When his mother was in the hospital producing his sister, he was very excited —anticipation of having a cute baby sister.
Another three-hour interview with the former president will bethe air tomorrow morning from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Channel 9.
A. up
B. at
C. on
D. in
Gentle Annie appeared to enjoy every minute of her visit and soakedthe information like a sponge (海绵).
A. over
B. up
C. at
D. next
已知某年份是否是闰年的判定准则为:年份如果能被4整除但不能被100整除,或能被400整除。根据输入年份判断该年份是否是闰年的代码如下:year = eval ( input ( ' 输入年份' ) )isLeapYear = ( year%4 == 0 and year%100 != 0) or ( year%400 == 0)ifisLeapYear == True:print(f"{year} 是闰年")else:print(f"{year} 不是闰年")以下说法哪个是正确的?
A. 去掉代码第2行赋值符右边第一个小括号运算符不影响结果的正确性
B. 去掉代码第2行赋值符右边第二个小括号运算符不影响结果的正确性
C. 去掉代码第2行赋值符右边两个小括号运算符不影响结果的正确性
D. 代码第2行赋值符右边两个小括号都不能去掉