


阅读程序段,回答下列问题。MOV AX,6MOV CX,3L1:ROL AX,CLTEST AL,3LOOPZ L1(1)LOOPZ指令循环的条件是什么?(2)本段程序共循环了几次?(3)程序执行完后,寄存器AX、CX的内容是什么?

Among whom was the survey conducted?

A. Parents of teenagers.
B. Soccer coaches.
C. Young people.
D. Professional athletes.

What was found in the survey?

A. Men care more about winning than women.
B. Desire for winning produces a lot of pressure.
C. Most young people do not play sports on a regular basis.
D. Winning in sports is not important to most teenagers.

What do parents and coaches care most about?

A. The children can enjoy the sports.
B. The children are in better physical condition.
C. The children can benefit in character.
D. The children can win in the sports.
