
When might a worker need to use a variety of skills?

A. When he or she creates a complete product.
B. When a product is complete.
C. When the work is tedious.


How can you get paid more when you are paid piece rate?

A. You just produce more.
B. You ask for more money.
C. You are motivated.

以下关于建筑构造的说法,错误的是( )。

A. 建筑构造不等同于建筑结构。
B. 建筑构造是研究建筑物各组成部分的构造原理和构造方法的学科。
C. 建筑构造与建筑施工关系不大。
D. 建筑构造设计是建筑设计不可分割的一部分。

下面三种平面图不属于建筑施工图的是( )。

A. 总平面图
B. 基础平面图
C. 首层平面图

If you want to live a successful life, you must_____ first.

A. stand for
B. Set goals
