
n. a thin string of cotton, wool, silk, etc. used for sewing or making cloth; v. to pass sth. long and thin, especially thread, through a narrow opening or hole

A. thread
B. supplement
C. stadium
D. sketch


a. (of a person) not happy or smiling; (of a religious ceremony or formal occasion) performed in a serious way

A. scarce
B. scatter
C. static
D. solemn

a. not having much distance between the top or surface and the bottom; (of a person, an idea, a comment, etc.) not showing serious thought, feelings, etc. about sth.

A. supreme
B. shallow
C. skillful
D. simplify

n. a thing that is added to sth. else to improve or complete it; vt. to add sth.to sth.in order to improve it or make it more complete

A. stadium
B. stewardess
C. stripe
D. supplement

a. not moving, changing or developing

A. static
B. stiff
C. sustain
D. shallow
