The pSeries sales representative has done an excellent job in educating the customer on the benefits of working with IBM. The customer is planning to implement their first ERP application. This new application will be critical to running their business. The customer has only a competitor’s UNIX systemcurrently installed. They are interested in obtaining a proposal from IBM. In addition to the AIX hardware and HACMP software, what else should be included in the IBM proposal for the new ERP solution?()
A. I/T services and education to help with the implementation of the hardware and software
B. A Supportline specialist to work directly with the customer to manage any issues that arise
C. The services required to move the currently installed applications from the competitor’s systems to the IBM systems
D. A slimmed down solution to ensure that the IBM solution is less expensive than the competitor’s solutio
A. 静脉环磷酰胺冲击治疗
B. 口服糖皮质激素1mg/(kg·
C. 利血生112mgtid
D. 雷公藤多苷20mgtid
E. 羟氯喹0.2gbid
患者,男,58岁。冠心病史8年,近因活动较多而发。诊见心前区疼痛阵发,稍事活动则出现心悸而痛,伴胸闷,气短汗出,面色 白,四肢欠温,舌淡胖,苔白,脉沉细辨证为()
A. 寒凝心脉
B. 气滞心胸
C. 气阴两虚
D. 心肾阴虚
E. 心肾阳虚
A. 项目实施的总体部署
B. 可行性研究报告
C. 各子系统进度规划
D. 确定里程碑事件的计划进度目标
E. 总进度目标实现的条件和应采取的措施