ABC会计师事务所负责审计甲公司2014年度财务报表。审计项目组确定财务报表整体的重要性为100万元,明显微小错报的临界值为5万元。审计工作底稿中与函证程序相关的部分内容摘录如下: (3)审计项目组成员跟随甲公司出纳到乙银行实施函证。出纳到柜台办理相关事宜,审计项目组成员在等候区等候。 针对上述第(3)项,指出审计项目组的做法是否恰当。如不恰当,简要说明理由。
The LWAPP (Lightweight Access Point Protocol) is in use within the Company wireless LAN. Which statement is true about this protocol?()
A. Real-time frame exchange is accomplished within the access point.
B. The control traffic between the client and the access point is encapsulated with the LWAP
C. Authentication, security, and mobility are handled by the access point.
Data traffic between the client and the access point is encapsulated with LWAP
E. None of the other alternatives apply