在得出某棉花种植农户的供给曲线时,下列除( )外均保持常数。
A. 土壤的肥沃程度
B. 技术水平
C. 肥料的价格
D. 棉花的价格
预期价格上升,商品当期供给会( )。
A. 增加
B. 减少
C. 视产品生产特征而定
D. 不变
Choose the best word to complete the sentences.1. I don't really like to do ______ sports. I prefer to do sports when and where I want to.
A. some
B. any
C. team
D. easy
It is not very healthy to do jog besides a motorway because of the ______.
A. many accidents
B. bicycles
C. air pollution
D. other people
Most athletes give a better ______during a competition than in training.
A. performance
B. live
C. show
D. hear