
A beautifully "decorated" tree in the living room creates a real Christmas feeling.

A. given mark of distinction
B. planted
C. painted
D. made beautiful with ornaments put on


Champagne is best served "chilled". Chill the bottle before use in the refrigerator and place in a wine cooler, with some water and ice cubes.

A. hot
B. warm
C. frozen
D. moderately cold

Not only in Holland, but around the world, the corks of champane bottles are popped to "toast" the New Year at midnight.

A. bread
B. cured meat
C. express wishes while raising a full drinking glass
D. make brown and crispy by beating

Most people spend Christmas Day with their family and reserve Boxing Day for_____________.

A. visiting their friends
B. chatting with their friends
C. exchanging gifts with their friends
D. having a drink with their friends

The stately ritual is, in essence, a "shift" change between groups of officers assigned to guarding the palace.

A. a change in direction
B. a change in position
C. a period of time worked by a group of workers
D. move from one position to another
