A. 消费者
B. 个别企业
C. 个别供应商
D. 个别零售商
Which of the following procedures should be carried out to permit the use of a crosshead engine with an inoperable after-cooler?()
A. Bypass the after-cooler to operate at speed
B. Run at reduced speed until the cooler can be repaired or renewed
C. Switch to diesel fuel and run at full speed
D. Nothing need to be done due to the low heating value of heavy fuel
A. 通知某县工商局以第三人的身份参加诉讼
B. 裁定驳回黄某的起诉
C. 征求另一方被告机关的意见
D. 仍以某县工商局为共同被告,但可以要求其不参加庭审辩论