
From the text we learn that__________.阅读材料,回答下面的题目。 The Public Health System One of the biggest changes since 1990 is the degree to which bioterrorism has become a public health priority.Although there had long been concern about vulnerability to biowarfare and bioterrorism the anthrax episode in the fall of 2001 made it clear that the concern is no longer theoretical.Until very recently, the important role of public health at the frontlines of bioterrorism preparedness was unrecognized.Although concern about emerging infections has helped stimulate funding for the chronically under-appreciated public health system, the threat of bioterrorism motivated the first real infusion of new money into public health indecades.Many of the capabilities needed to defend against bioterrorism are the same: as those needed to combat natural emerging infections.In both instance, the problem is an unexpected outbreak of infectious disease, of which the first indication is likely to be sick people in emergency rooms or clinics.Indeed, as with the anthrax attacks, the public health and medical responses may be under way before the true nature of the outbreak is recognized. Public health and the interface with the health care system are therefore key elements in any effective response to bioterrorism.Whether the biggest threat is natural or engineered much remains to be done.Efforts to strengthen surveillance and response worldwide and to improve communication must be accelerated and sustained.Further,we have only scratched the surface in terms of understanding the ecology of infectious diseases and developing strategies for regulating microbial traffic.We need tools for better predictive epidemiologic modeling when a new infection first appears and for better analysis of the factors that transfer pathogens across species.One encouraging development is the program in the ecology of infections diseases that was started a few years ago be the National Science Foundation in cooperation with NIH.SARS is a good yardstick of our progress during the past 13 years.The syndrome was unusual because novel infections that spread from person to person are relatively rare.Once cases were finally reported, the public health response was vigorous.WHO warned health care providers, researchers rapidly identified a candidate virus, and prototype diagnostic tests quickly became available.The vast reach of the Internet was instrumental in sharing formation and coordinating activities worldwide.Despite these advances, SARS had already spread to many countries.In fact had the disease been as transmissible as influenza, it would have invaded virtually every country in the world by the time the public health response had begun.So what SARS tells us is that although we have come long way since 1990, we still have a long way to go.The main idea expressed in the first paragraph is that__________.

A. bioterrorism is an engineered threat to human beings
B. bioterrorism can be arrested by improving communication
C. natural infections and bioterrorism are the same in essence
D. the anthrax attacks are more threatening than the outbreak of SARS





某机电安装工程项目,某建筑公司于2003年3月8日与某建设单位签订了修建3000平方米工业厂房(带底下室)的施工合同。该建筑公司编制的施工方案和进度计划已获监理工程师批准。 施工进度计划已经达成一致意见,合同规定由于建设单位责任造成施工窝工时,窝工费用按原人工费、机械台班费60%计算。 在专用条款中明确6级以上(含6级)大风大雨大雪地震等自然灾害按不可抗力因素处理。工程师应在收到索赔报告之内起28d内予以确认,工程师无不正当理由不确认时,自索赔报告送达之日起28d后视为索赔已经被确认。 根据双方商定,人工费定额为30元/工日,机械台班费为1000元/台班。 建筑公司在履行施工合同的过程中发生以下事件: 事件1:地基出问题,业主以书面通知施工单位停工10d,窝工费用3000元。 事件2:5月18日发生6级大风,一直到5月21日开始施工,造成20名工人窝工。 事件3:5月21日用30个工日修复因大雨冲毁的永久道路,5月22日恢复正常挖掘 事件4:5月27日因租赁的挖掘机大修,挖掘工作停工2d,造成人员窝工10个工日。 事件5:5月29日,因外部供电故障,使工期延误2d,造成20人窝工,2台施工机械窝工。 事件6:在施工过程中,发现业主提供的图纸存在问题,故停工3d进行设计变更,造成人工窝工60个工日,机械窝工9个台班。 问题 (1)分别说明事件1至事件6的工期延误和费用增加应由谁承担,并说明理由。如是建设单位的责任应向承包单位补偿工期和费用分别为多少? (2)建设单位应给予承包单位补偿工期多少天?补偿费用多少元?
