A. 网络能力
B. 通信设备
C. 人力资源
D. 先进技术
A. 世界海事组织
B. 港口国政府
C. 船旗国政府
D. 船级社
How should you signal the crane operator to raise the boom and lower the load?().
A. Extend arm with the palm down and and hold this position rigidly
B. Place both fists in front of the body with the thumbs pointing outward each other
Clasp hands in front of you body
D. Extend arm with the thumb pointing up, and flex the finger s in and out for as long as the load movement is desired
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 由于阵挛、髋内收剪刀样和屈肌痉挛而损害站立平衡
B. 因为痉挛可以促进骨质生长,所以能减少骨折、异位骨化的危险性
C. 髋屈肌、内收肌痉挛影响会阴清洁、损害性功能
D. 借助伸肌痉挛等可帮助患者站立和行走
E. 痉挛可充当静脉肌肉泵,降低发生深静脉血栓的危险性