A new Backup Connection is being deployed on a remote site router. the stability of the connection has been a concern. in order to provide more information to EIGRP Regarding this interface, You wish to incorporate the "Reliability" cost metric in the EIGRP Calculation with the command metric weights 1 0 1 0 1. What impact will this modification on the remote site router have for other existing EIGRP neighborships from the same EIGRP Domain?()
A. Existing Neighbors will immediately begin using the new metric.
B. Existing Neighbors will use the new metric after clearing the EIGRP Neighbors.
C. Existing Neighbors will resync, maintaining the neighbor relationship
D. All ecisting neighbor relationships will go dow
A. 卧平板床
B. 给肾上腺皮质激素
C. 维生素B0.1mg/d肌肉注射
D. 给20%甘露醇
E. 将患肢置于功能位置,防止下垂或其他畸形
F. 静脉给抗生素
G. 地巴唑0.1~0.2mg/kg·d顿服
资料:为增加投资者的收益和地方财政收入,不少地方纷纷提高高速公路的收费标准,结果车流量大大减少。以重庆为例,已投入使用的5条高速公路,设计的通行量均为日48000辆,但因收费过高,上界、渝合、渝黔三线日通行量仅为2436、4243、3422辆,分别只占通行能力的5%、8%、7%。已通车8年的成渝高速重庆段日通行量也只有15153辆,仅占设计通行能力的31.56%。 根据上述资料,回答: (1)高速公路属于什么产品? (2)高速公路这种产品具有什么特性?
以下为某型号的基站典型无线链路参数值: 下行:基站发射功率43dBm(30W),H2D合路-双工器损耗4.5dB,馈线损耗3dB,基站天线增益15dBi,手机灵敏度-102dBm,人体损耗3dB,手机天线增益-2dB 上行:手机发射功率33dBm(2W),手机天线增益-2dB,人体损耗3dB,基站天线增益15dBi,分集接收增益5dB,基站馈线损耗3dB,基站灵敏度-110dBm。 试回 1.上、下行最大允许无线传播损耗分别是多少? 2.无线链路是上行受限还是下行受限? 3.实际最大允许无线传播损耗是多少?