A. 税务登记证副本及复印件
B. 经办人身份证明及复印件
C. 《发票领用簿》
D. 《最高开票限额申请表》
E. 对增值税发票税控系统最高开票限额审批的《准予税务行政许可决定书》
Examine the following command: SQL> ALTER TABLE booking SHRINK SPACE COMPACT; Which activity is performed when the preceding command is executed?()
A. The shrink operation touches every block in the BOOKING table
B. The high-water mark (HWM) for the BOOKING table is shifted from its original position
C. The progress of the shrink operation is saved in the bitmap blocks of the BOOKING table
D. The data manipulation language (DML) triggers on the BOOKING table are executed because the shrink operation is internally handled by the INSERT/DELETE operatio