A. 加快制定和完善劳动法律法规
B. 加强法律法规的宣传、教育工作
C. 建立并完善劳动监察体制
D. 充分发挥三方协商机制在劳动关系协调和处理中的作用
E. 建立群体性事件监控预警机制,妥善处理集体劳动关系冲突
Evaluate the set of SQL statements: CREATE TABLE dept (deptno NUMBER(2), dname VARCNAR2(14), 1oc VARCNAR2 (13)); ROLLBACK; DESCRIBE DEPT What is true about the set?()
A. The DESCRIBE DEPT statement displays the structure of the DEPT table.
B. The ROLLBACK statement frees the storage space occupies by the DEPT table.
C. The DESCRIBE DEPT statement returns an error ORA-04043: object DEPT does not exist.
D. The DESCRIBE DEPT statement displays the structure of the DEPT table only if there is a COMMIT statement introduced before the ROLLBACK statement.