
听力原文: Four Colombian police officers are dead and at least five more wounded after leftist rebels ambushed a police patrol in the northwestern part of the country. Police officials say about 100 guerrillas from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, attacked a vehicle carrying the 22-man police patrol in the department of Risaralda. Military officials say they have sent additional army troops to the area. The FARC rebels are in preliminary peace talks with the government of President Andres Pastrana. The Colombian government has been fighting leftist rebels and right-wing paramilitary forces for nearly 40 years.
Four Colombian police officers are dead and at least five more wounded after leftist rebels ambushed a police patrol in the _______ part of the country.

A. northwestern
B. southwestern
C. northern
D. southeastern



A. 税收基本法
B. 税收普通法
C. 税收虚体法
D. 税收程序法


A. 最大费用法
B. 最小费用法
C. 费用现值法
D. 费用年值法


A. 混合销售中一般纳税人销售货物时支付的运费
B. 商业企业购进的货物已入库,尚未支付货款
C. 一般纳税人购进应税劳务,费用已支出
D. 工业生产企业购进并验收入库的原材料


A. 平等原则
B. 真诚原则
C. 友爱原则
D. 互助原则
