
被告人×,系M市(县级市)质量技术监督站站长,1998年在M市兴建一座高塔时,承担对该塔施工的质量监督职责。该塔在1999年初验收后不久即垮塌,造成数人伤亡。此案由 M市人民检察院立案侦查,侦查终结后于1999年3月5日以玩忽职守罪向M市人民法院提起公诉,要求追究×的刑事责任,并向法院移送了案件的全部卷宗材料,包括由Y大学土木工程系作为鉴定人署名盖章的鉴定书。该鉴定书称:×在该塔施工过程中,严重不负责任,放任严重不合格的钢筋、水泥等建筑材料投入使用,致使该塔结构强度不足,最终导致该塔倒塌。 M市人民法院受理M市人民检察院的起诉后,对案卷进行了认真审查,并提审了X,认为符合开庭审理的条件,决定于1999年3月25日开庭审理此案。法庭在3月18日向被告人送达了起诉书副本,3月23日向被告人送达了传票,向被害人、鉴定人等其他诉讼参与人送达了出庭通知书。在3月25日的法庭审理过程中,辩护人以质量技术监督站不是国家机关,被告人不具备玩忽职守罪主体身份为由作了无罪辩护。法庭审判结束后,辩护律师将辩护词交给法庭工作人员,法庭表示拒收。审判长说:“你这种辩护意见是不能接受的。”遂以玩忽职守罪判处被告人×有期徒刑7年。案件定期宣判后第3日向被告人×送达了判决书。被告人×接到判决书后立即委托其律师通过M市法院向地区中级人民法院提出上诉,M市法院以上诉理由不足为由不予同意,于是×的律师直接向地区中级法院递交了上诉状。地区中级法院经过二审审理,认为该案一审认定事实清楚,证据确实、充分,程序合法,但×不属于国家机关工作人员,一审判定玩忽职守罪不当,于是做出了撤销原判、发回重审的决定。M市人民法院重新组成合议庭对该案进行了重审,以重大责任事故罪判处被告人×有期徒刑7年。


— Read the article on the opposite page about a club for company chairmen and women.
— Choose the best sentence from below to fill each of the gaps.
— For each gap 8-12, mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.
— Do not use any letter more than once.
— There is an example at the beginning, (0).
A forum for chairmen and women to exchange ideas
When Cadbury Schweppes was considering selling its food and health products businesses in the mid-1980s, Sir Adrian Cadbury, chairman at the time, called a board meeting and told the directors not to make up their minds, but simply to talk about selling the businesses. (0) At that first meeting, everyone spoke up. Opinion was divided. The second meeting was different. 'We had a very large degree of agreement,' Sir Adrian says. 【8】______ He had feared that attempting to deal with the matter just in one meeting would inhibit open discussion.
How to chair a company has been a long-time preoccupation of Sir Adrian's. The committee he headed in the early 1990s - set up by the British government to investigate corporate governance - produced the Cadbury report. 【9】______ This was just one of its many recommendations, which had a major impact on how companies are managed.
Being chairman is a difficult job, Sir Adrian says. 【10】______ For that reason, he has helped set up the Chairmen's Forum, a club of like- minded people who get together to exchange ideas and learn how to chair companies. As well as hosting dinners, addressed by major players in the business world, the forum has held seminars to discuss issues such as how to get the best out of the board and how to respond to a crisis.
James Watson, head of the forum's steering committee, believes the organisation should do more to publicise its existence. One of the reasons is that he wants to attract a more diverse group of chairmen and women as the forum increases its size to the 100 members he regards as optimal. 【11】______ But all are UK-based and the vast majority are male. The forum wants to attract more women and more non-British members to what it believes is the world's only chairmen's club.
Most chairmen of the biggest UK companies have stayed away. 【12】______ Sir Adrian is more charitable: he believes chairmen of large groups do not have time for forum meetings. But he argues that one should not underestimate how difficult the job is. Chairing any meeting is a challenge. And as Jane Kelly, the first woman to join the organisation; says, leading is often a solitary task. 'The higher up you move in any organisation, the lonelier you can be. At each level, the number of people you can talk to is smaller.' Hence the value of a club like the Chairmen's Forum.

A. Currently almost all of them head listed companies -- although generally not the biggest -- and some come from private companies and the public sector
B. Among other things, it came down in favour of companies separating the roles of chairman and chief executive.
C. Many also regard the opportunity to test new thinking as a major benefit.
D. Some forum members suspect that many of those in powerful positions think they know it all already.
E. Dividing the decision-making process into parts, each with its own focus, achieved the desired outcome.
F. There are no clear guidelines.
G. His plan. was to hold another one at which the issue would be resolved.

We are now in an inter-disciplinary integration era, the pervasion and cooperation among disciplines has become a general trend for the development of science. We wouldn't have today's advanced computer graphics systems if mathematician hadn't been able to solve problems related to surface geometric. We wouldn't have networks capable of handling massive amounts of data if physicists and astronomers hadn't continuously forged tools to look more deeply into subatomic structures and the cosmos. Chemists' efforts to simulate complex phenomena and predict the properties of many-electron systems have inspired massively parallel architectures for computing. And the information made available by the sequencing of the human genome has caused us to rethink how to store, manipulate, and retrieve data most effectively. It will take new insights from studies of human cognition, linguistics, neurobiology, computing, and more to develop systems that truly augment our capacity to learn and create.

include <stdio.h>
{ char ch1,ch2;int n1,n2;
n1=ch1-'0'; n2=n1*10+(ch2-'0');
程序运行时输入:12<回车>,执行后的输出结果是【 】。

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