
小材料:广州市政府办公厅日前印发的《广州市重大行政决策听证试行办法》(以下简称《办法》)规定。若公众对政府重大决策的征求意见稿意见分歧较大,应该组织听证会.从公开报名人群内遴选的听证代表不得少于代表总数的2/3。而公务员不得被选为听证代表。 题目:公务员不允许作为听证会代表,对此。你怎么看?



A. 46.6
B. 50.O
C. 53.3
D. 640


A. 11
B. 15
C. 18
D. 25


In March 300 college students turned out in Washington to protest against proposed cuts in

A. The students who vacationed in Florida did not oppose the cutting of student loan funds by Congress.
B. The students who vacationed in Florida were not in agreement with the opinion of the majority of United States citizens about the proposed cut in loan funds.
C. The students who protested in Washington were more seriously concerned about their education than were the students who vacationed in Florida.
D. The students who neither protested in Washington in March nor vacationed in Florida in March are indifferent to governmental policies on education.
E. The best way to influence congressional opinion about a political issue is to communicate with one"s elected representative in Washington.
