
During the year, the directors reviewed the useful lives and depreciation rates of all classes of plant and machinery. This resulted in an overall increase in the asset lives and a reduction in the depreciation charge for the year.
Inventory is held in five warehouses and on 28 and 29 December a full inventory count will be held with adjustments for movements to the year end. This is due to a lack of available staff on 31 December. In October, there was a fire in one of the warehouses; inventory of $0·9 million was damaged and this has been written down to its scrap value of $0·2 million. An insurance claim has been submitted for the difference of $0·7 million. Venus is still waiting to hear from the insurance company with regards to this claim, but has included the insurance proceeds within the statement of profit or loss and the statement of financial position.
The finance director has informed the audit manager that the October and November bank reconciliations each contained unreconciled differences; however, he considers the overall differences involved to be immaterial.
A directors’ bonus scheme was introduced during the year which is based on achieving a target profit before tax. In order to finalise the bonus figures, the finance director of Venus would like the audit to commence earlier so that the final results are available earlier this year.
Describe FIVE audit risks, and explain the auditor’s response to each risk, in planning the audit of Venus Magnets Co.





