That is the course of studies ______.
A. what I'm interested in
B. I'm interested in
C. that I'm interested
D. in that I'm interested
The passengers (saw) the thief (stole) (on the bus), but they (didn't say) anything.
A. saw
B. stole
C. on the bus
D. didn't say
心动周期中,左心室容积最大的时期是( )
A. 等容舒张期末
B. 快速充盈期末
C. 快速射血期末
D. 心房收缩期末
E. 减慢射血期末
采用作业法进行测验的为( )
A. 明尼苏达多项人格调查表
B. 艾森克人格问卷
C. 洛夏墨迹测验
D. 抑郁自评量表
E. 韦氏智力测验
A. 承包商编制的
B. 业主编制的
C. 监理单位制定并由承包商认可的
D. 承包商提交并经监理工程师批准的