
Etiquette has been used to distinguish people from different classes.


Nurses should do all they can to make their patients feel ____.

A. on board
B. at ease
C. at leisure
D. at heart

In the past century Irish painting has changes from a British-influenced lyrical tradition

A. British lyrical tradition
B. French avant-garde experiment
C. notionalist energies
D. Italian painting

请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 黄金周(the Golden Week)是指连续7天的全国性假期。1999年,中国开始推行黄金周政策。从那以后,黄金周通过鼓励人们旅游和消费,丰富了人们的日常生活,促进了社会经济的发展。然而不可否认,黄金周带来的问题也日益明显:交通拥堵、旅游景点人满为患以及物价上涨。2012年,中国政府宣布重大节假日期间全国高速公路免收通行费,其中就包括春节和国庆两个7天假期,这一政策从某种程度上又导致了出行车辆和人数的增加。

It is unnecessary for patients to get information about their disorders because there is nothing they can do about their illness.
