While many graduates were job 1) _______, Zheng decided to 2) ______ his job to 3) _______ to London. Starting out on March 5, Zheng spent 4) _____ days cycling through 5) ____ countries and finally arrived in London. He experienced a lot during the journey. For example, in Kazakhstan, he was 6) ________ by a wolf and he 7)_________ by riding his bicycle to a nearby house. Another time, while cycling in France, he got 8) ________ and 9) _________ his flashlight. Luckily a French driver helped him. Although he met with many difficulties, Zheng never regretted because he was able to 10) ______ his dream.
A. “侦察兵”
B. “哨兵”
C. “侦查组”
邓小平乘坐日本新干线 ( 高铁)的列车 从东京去关西时, 记者问邓小平有何感想。 邓小平说: " 快, 真快! 就像后边有鞭子赶着似的! 这就是现在我们需要的速度。" "就感觉到快,有催人跑的意思,我们现在正合适坐这样的车! 我们现在很需要跑!"这个话就体现出邓小平希望发展的()。
A. 必要性
B. 可行性
C. 紧迫感
D. 压力感
1978 年,既是中国的战略重大转变之年,也是中日关系在解决了政治悬案之后,向着务实方向转变的一年。在邓小平的心目中, ()是中国现代化的老师、不可缺少的合作伙伴。
A. 法国
B. 联邦德国
C. 丹麦
D. 日本