Compare a pair of words and complete the following sentences with the right one.(curse/cursed)His wealth proved a ____________ to him.All his life, he’s been ___________ with bad luck.
Add the prefix “over-” to the words given below. Then complete the following sentences with the words thus formed. Change the form if necessary.1. I’m really sorry for being late. I forgot to set my alarm and ___________.2. You look tired. Do you ____________ these days?3. The garden was ____________ with weeds (杂草).4. The team were ____________ after three days and three nights’ work.5. Don’t get yourself ____________ before bedtime, or you’ll find it hard to fall asleep.
把一个五进制计数器与一个六进制计数器串联可得到( )进制计数器。
A. 6
B. 5
C. 11
D. 30
猴子吃桃问题:到第12天,还剩下1个桃子,问第一天猴子摘了( )个桃子?
在同一平面上,力的作用线既不汇交于一点又不相互平行的力系称( )力系。
A. 空间汇交
B. 空间一般
C. 平面汇交
D. 平面一般