

A. 简单变量做函数参数时,是将实参的值传给形参,实参和形参在内存中占用不同的存储单元,因此形参值的改变不会影响实参。
B. 数组名作为函数实参时,形参实际上是一个指针变量,是将实参数组的首地址传给形参指针变量,函数内部可以通过该指针变量修改实参数组中的值
C. 函数的形参形如二维数组时,此时可以省略形如二维数组的这个形参的第二维的长度值。其实这种情况下,这个形参的类型是行指针类型,并不是二维数组。
D. 函数的形参形如一维数组时,此时形如一维数组的这个形参的数组大小值不需要指定,即在方括号中不需要写数字,即使写了也没有用。其实这种情况下,这个形参的类型是指针类型,并不是一维数组。
E. 定义数组的大小、访问数组元素时在下标中都可以使用变量或表达式。


用户的家用电脑工作正常。但是,用户无法访问 Internet。互联网连接是通过有线电视公司提供的。用户无法确定问题的原因。用户应该联系谁以获得进一步的帮助? The home computer of a user is working properly. However, the user cannot access the Internet. The Internet connection is provided through a cable company. The user cannot identify the cause of the problem. Who should the user contact for further help?

A. 有线电视公司的帮助热线 the help line of the cable company
B. 操作系统供应商 the operating system vendor
C. 计算机制造商的帮助热线 the help line of the computer manufacturer
D. 计算机供应商的支持网站 the support web site of the computer vendor

一位客户致电有线电视公司报告 Internet 连接不稳定。在尝试了几次配置更改后,技术人员决定向客户发送一个新的电缆调制解调器进行尝试。这代表什么故障排除技术? A customer called the cable company to report that the Internet connection is unstable. After trying several configuration changes, the technician decided to send the customer a new cable modem to try. What troubleshooting technique does this represent?

A. 自下而上 bottom-up
B. 分而治之 divide-and-conquer
C. 替代 substitution
D. 自上而下 top-down

小型办公室使用无线路由器连接到电缆调制解调器以访问互联网。网络管理员接到电话,说一台办公室电脑无法访问外部网站。网络管理员执行的第一个故障排除步骤是从办公室计算机 ping 无线路由器。这代表哪种故障排除技术? A small office uses a wireless router to connect to a cable modem for internet access. The network administrator receives a call that one office computer cannot access external websites. The first troubleshooting step that the network administrator performs is to ping the wireless router from the office computer. Which troubleshooting technique does this represent?

A. 分而治之 divide-and-conquer
B. 替代 substitution
C. 自下而上 bottom-up
D. 自上而下 top-down

网络管理员可以成功 ping 通 www.cisco.com 上的服务器,但无法 ping 通位于其他城市 ISP 的公司 Web 服务器。哪个工具或命令可以帮助识别丢失或延迟数据包的特定路由器? A network administrator can successfully ping the server at www.cisco.com, but cannot ping the company web server located at an ISP in another city. Which tool or command would help identify the specific router where the packet was lost or delayed?

A. traceroute
B. netstat
C. ipconfig
D. telnet
