We're all (liable) to make mistakes when we're tired.
A. 持久的
B. 简单的
C. 共同的
D. 可能的
He can obtain a driver's (license) now.
A. 护照
B. 画廊
C. 执照
D. 设备
She's very good at (motivating) her students.
A. 揭露
B. 激励
C. 强调
D. 提升
He made a (genuine) attempt to improve conditions.
A. 遥远的
B. 敌对的
C. 真诚的
D. 沉默的
He caught a (glimpse) of her in the crowd.
A. 一瞥
B. 证据
C. 一期
D. 版本