九百多年前的一幅画《清明上河图》,描绘了当时人们在过清明时的繁荣景象和节日风俗。A traditional Chinese painting named Riverside Scene on the Qing Ming festival, drawn nine hundreds years ago, shows _____ and activities that day.
人们骑着马,挑着担从扫墓的地方归来。People ___ from Tomb Sweeping with horses and ____ in the picture.
现在清明节已经成为中国的法定假日。Now it is a ____ in China.
虽然随着时间的推移,祭祀的习俗可能稍稍改变。但中国人依然会在清明这一天,伴随着春天的细雨用自己的方式寄托对故人的哀思。Although ceremonies have changed a little ____, Chinese still express their grief for ____.
欧洲人有十二星座,中国人有12生肖。Europe has 12 ____, while China has 12 animals symbolizing the 12 branches used to designate years.