党的十八大提出,要倡导( ),倡导( ),倡导( ),积极培育和践行社会主义核心价值观。
A. 富强、民主、文明、和谐
B. 自由、平等、公正、法治
C. 爱国、敬业、诚信、友善
D. 富强、民主、文明、美丽
把社会主义核心价值观落细落小落实,大学生需要切实做到( ) 。
A. 勤学
B. 修德
C. 明辨
D. 笃实
A. 选择出海,出海的收益比不出海好
B. 选择不出海,不出海的收益比出还好
C. 出海不出海收益无法预测
D. 出海和不出海 收益相当
() of the following transactions will not increase current liabilities.
A. Recording payment from a customer for a two-year subscription for future magazines
B. At the end of the year, recording accrued interest due January 1 on a five-year note payable
C. Recording estimated income tax payable at the end of the year
D. Recording a utility bill payment for this accounting period